Monday, March 23, 2015

On being a Mom

Let me tell you on how I became a mother. No I didn't get pregnant. I was given an angel by a family friend.
She was pregnant of her 5th child that time and I jokingly told her that if its a boy, she will give it to me. All the while I thinking that the baby in her womb was a girl then Surprise! it wasn't. I was caught off guard when she asked me one morning if I was sure of taking the baby.Was I?

Having a baby requires plenty of adjustments. You need to give up a couple of things such as time, money and attention. You are no longer just responsible for yourself. Was I willing to give this? Yes.

When Kalen came I was hesitant. Am I ready for this responsibility? Nothing can really prepare you for motherhood. You may read it in books, watch documentaries but you forget it all after you have held the baby. It took a lot of adjustment on our part but the journey has been great.

Kalen grew up well, he is turng 3 in May. I am thankful that he is a healthy baby. I am very blessed in so many ways. These days, he is just so hard headed and kulit that sometimes it just test your patience. But then that is just part of being a mom and appreciate all mothers out there. Motherhood is not defined by blood but by the relationship you have with your child.

Since Mother's day is just a month away, I would like to greet all moms out there. Let us give ourselves a pat on the back. To Mama, salamat. I may have not grown up with you but it does not lessen the love I have.

Are you a mom too? How has the journey been?

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

A certain kind of "Tadhana"

For the past couple of months, Filipino films have been in decline. Most movies are made for teenagers about love struck ka churvaness and it is really disappointing. No wonder that the film industry is suffering. However, one film made me appreciate Filipino film again, and that is the movie That thing called Tadhana

The story is really simple and that is what I appreciate the most. It is about destiny not only about love but about life and about moving on. I believe that out destiny is paved by how we face and overcome challenges that comes our way.

 Here are some hugot lines for you: 

“Pano ba makalimot?”
“Pwede kang uminom gabi gabi, pwede kang umiyak gabi gabi, pwede kang makipagdate kung kani-kanino, o pwede ka ring makahanap ng new love.” We all have different ways of coping and moving on. Me, I became active. I ran, cycled and kept myself busy with things. I realized that what I am going through is not that a big deal. There are a lot of problems greater than heartbreak.

“Kung mahal mo, habulin mo, ipaglaban mo. ‘Wag mong hintaying may magtulak sa kanya pabalik sa’yo. Hilahin mo. Hanggang kaya mo, wag kang bibitaw. Sorry, mahal ko eh.” True, destiny is a choice. We get to choose our destiny. Simple. 

 "Gaano katagal bago mo siya makalimutan?" 
 "Gaano nga katagal? One year? 2? 3? 4? 5?" 
"Importante pa ba 'yun? Ang mahalaga, nakalimutan." - Again, tama si Anthony. Give yourself a time to mourn, cry until you have no more tears. There is no need to rush. Moving on is not a race. 

“Alam mo ‘yung love na 8 years na kayo? Sa ganong love ka pa ba magdududa? Pero wala pala sa tagal ng relasyon yun. Ke eight months kayo o eight years, kung gusto ka niyang lokohin, lolokohin ka niya. Pag hindi ka na niya mahal, hindi ka na niya mahal.” - Love is not measured by how long you have been together. If there is no more love, wag mu nang pilitin. You will only end up hurting yourself 

And lastly, my favorite: “Alam mo ‘yung sinabi ni F. Scott Fitzgerald? There are all kinds of love in this world, but never the same love twice.” -One should never give up on love. Do not get discouraged by just one failed relationship. 

I commend Angelica for playing her role well. It feels like you are really watching the real Angelica not the character Mace. Same with JM, they do not try to be all lovey dovey, they are simply them and it makes it easier to relate to the character. 

I recommend this movie for all. Not only for the sawi, or singles but for everybody.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Fed Up

It really pisses me off when someone asks you for something and then put it to waste. For example, you are asked to fill out so many reports and they don't really use it for analysis. Hay, I have been with Callbox for the last 7 years and I think I'm getting fed up. I am tired. It is so hard to give your 100% when you do not believe in what you are doing.

The success of the team can also be gauge by the person who manages them. The problem with managers is that they only follow production, reports and everything that is being ask of them. They do not listen and understand where and why things happen. They just MANAGE, they do not LEAD.

I have worked with several leaders and I can distinguish a manager and a leader. So far, who I'm working for is a manager. No more no less.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Welcome 2015!

#SAVE2015 was inspired by Bianca Gonzalez. I read on one of her tweets that every year she creates a theme and this year her theme is #BUILD2015. This is way better than a resolution where we tend to break anyways. Setting a theme is easier to achieve and there is no time pressure. I have a year to achieve it.

Why SAVE? Well, I spend a lot and savings is really not really one of my virtues. I am 32 but with no savings account. If I am single, that would be kinda acceptable but I have a son and a future to plan. He is turning 3 and will be going to school this year. The best treasure that I can leave him is a good education. I don't want to wait 'til he's old before I start saving. So, where do I start?

I came across this article from Yahoo, "Save over P13,000 with this 52-week money challenge". I know that 13K is not enough that big but come on it's a start especially for someone like me.

"The reverse 52-week money challenge is a variation on the popular “52-week money challenge,” where people save increasing amounts throughout the year. They start by saving $1 in the first week of the year, $2 the next, $3 after that, and so on, until they save $52 in the last week of the year and end up with $1,378 total. (Of course, we’re in the Philippines, so we’re changing that to P10 in the first week, P20 the second, until you’re saving P520 in the last week, for a total of P13,780 after 52 weeks.) "

So instead of doing it weekly, I will do it monthly. So for January I need to deposit 520 on my account before the end of the month. Then starting Feb, every first week of the month. My target is 20K. This is quite achievable. I think I can be able to do this. Will keep you updated.

What about you? Will you try this challenge with me? What is your theme for this year?

Good luck,


P.S. I said on my last post that I will share an update on the birthday party of my niece. Most of my ideas were not implemented so I am kind of pissed off and don't feel like sharing it. But, overall it was an amazing party. Luckily, the rain only came after the program, thank God. I can say the party was a success.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Planning for a Debut Party

So, my niece, Algy, turned 18 last Dec 8 and we will be holding a debut party on the 20th. Algy has limited idea on what the party would be. All she knows is that the motiff is midnight black which revolves around the color black, silver and purple.

I am pretty excited not of the party but of the planning. This is the first time that I am actually planning a party and a surprise one at that. I don't find it challenging but fun because I'm doing  it out of love for my niece.

Planning started last month but of course because we have limited budget most of the decors were prepared last week. This is what my idea looks like:

Ideally that is what I really want it to look like but since it will only be held at home, it will not look exactly like that. But you get the idea right? it will be dark with curtains hanging and the light will be dim. This reminds me of winter themed parties. The challenge will come on the day we will decorate the venue. For now, let me hold on to that dream setting.

Now that we have an idea on what the place would look like, the next challenge is the hanging decors. I was checking online and saw beautiful pompoms that will accentuate the hanging curtains.

Very pretty isn't it? Since the theme is midnight black, the colors will definitely be black, white and purple. I love that can be easily made and very cheap too. Since Christmas is also approaching, I can use this to decorate our home.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to make pom poms.

My next project is the photobooth area for Algy and her friends take a photo in. Teenagers nowadays love to takes selfies and I think that it will be a sin if they do not have a corner/place in the party to do that. A sneak peek of my idea.

The food will be handled by my sister. I really do not know much about what is best for parties. I like to eat and that's it. :D

That's it for now. Will show you the finished product after the party.

Let's get busy,

Monday, November 24, 2014

A certain kind of Friends

It has been a very very long time since my last post. I will try to keep on updating my blog often. Lemme tell you what I have been through the last few years. Since my last post, I've had a son, grew 4 years older, got a lot bigger (vertically) and has since became matured. 

What you most likely read from here onwards are about life, motherhood, choices and a certain kind of something. Now I'd like to write about friendship.

For me, in life you will get to meet 2 kinds of friends. The real ones and the fake ones, I do not mean fake like plastic or whatsoever (duh). 

Let me explain the real friends first.

One of the things that I am proud of are my real friends. They are the ones who stick with you through thick and thin. They are the ones who have proven that sometimes, water is thicker than blood. I don't believe that one should have a hundred of friends. I'd rather have a handful of real friends.

For me, a real friend:
  • Is there when you are down
  • Is there when you are happy
  • Will wipe your tears when you cry
  • Does not mind when your silent
  • Won't judge your decisions
  • Will listen to you mumble
  • Laugh at your craziest jokes
  • Lends a hand
  • Helps out without expecting in return
  • Understand your texts even when it misses a letter or its jumbled
  • Most importantly, they are just there not for any reason but because they just want to.

A good friend once told me that friendship does not require you meeting and texting everyday. You might not see each other for months, nor text each other everyday but you know in your being they are there. Friendship is not about the presence, it is about the heart.

Now thinking about it, I can say I have a handful of true friends. From elementary to high school, to those I met in Medicus, to those I went with in college and now here in Callbox. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you.

Now let us go to the best part, the fake ones. I have the fortunate chance of meeting this kind of friends. They are the ones who are nice in front of you but talks shit behind your back. Now, I say fortunate because now I can avoid this kind of person. They are not the kind that one should waste time on. 

It is a challenge to distinguish these kinds of friends since they can be so nice. Sometimes an accident is what you need in order to know who are real and who are fake. I am not an expert so I wouldn't really know how to point them out. What happen to me is not really a bad thing. For one, it has helped me appreciate my real friends more. It taught me a lesson that sometimes being nice to you does not mean they are really good. 

It is good that we get to meet these kind of people so that we can learn. The lesson is to choose your friends well, really well.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Don't chew more than you can swallow

This often happens to a lot of people, me included. I tend to start things that I cannot finish. Sometimes, I get so overwhelmed by things that I get illogical. It's true what they say not to make decisions when you are happy cause you tend to make stupid decisions that you will later regret.

It's so sad to think that during this process, we hurt other people. Seeing others get hurt because of you is not easy, but if that's how it should be then there's nothing we can do about it. Life is like that, sometime you get hurt, sometimes you hurt other people. It's a cycle. That's life. we can try to avoid it, but it will run after you no matter what. I have one philosophy about choices and decisions and that is, no matter what the outcome, no regrets cause you chose it. Stand by it and accept the consequence.