Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Welcome 2015!

#SAVE2015 was inspired by Bianca Gonzalez. I read on one of her tweets that every year she creates a theme and this year her theme is #BUILD2015. This is way better than a resolution where we tend to break anyways. Setting a theme is easier to achieve and there is no time pressure. I have a year to achieve it.

Why SAVE? Well, I spend a lot and savings is really not really one of my virtues. I am 32 but with no savings account. If I am single, that would be kinda acceptable but I have a son and a future to plan. He is turning 3 and will be going to school this year. The best treasure that I can leave him is a good education. I don't want to wait 'til he's old before I start saving. So, where do I start?

I came across this article from Yahoo, "Save over P13,000 with this 52-week money challenge". I know that 13K is not enough that big but come on it's a start especially for someone like me.

"The reverse 52-week money challenge is a variation on the popular “52-week money challenge,” where people save increasing amounts throughout the year. They start by saving $1 in the first week of the year, $2 the next, $3 after that, and so on, until they save $52 in the last week of the year and end up with $1,378 total. (Of course, we’re in the Philippines, so we’re changing that to P10 in the first week, P20 the second, until you’re saving P520 in the last week, for a total of P13,780 after 52 weeks.) "

So instead of doing it weekly, I will do it monthly. So for January I need to deposit 520 on my account before the end of the month. Then starting Feb, every first week of the month. My target is 20K. This is quite achievable. I think I can be able to do this. Will keep you updated.

What about you? Will you try this challenge with me? What is your theme for this year?

Good luck,


P.S. I said on my last post that I will share an update on the birthday party of my niece. Most of my ideas were not implemented so I am kind of pissed off and don't feel like sharing it. But, overall it was an amazing party. Luckily, the rain only came after the program, thank God. I can say the party was a success.

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