Monday, November 24, 2014

A certain kind of Friends

It has been a very very long time since my last post. I will try to keep on updating my blog often. Lemme tell you what I have been through the last few years. Since my last post, I've had a son, grew 4 years older, got a lot bigger (vertically) and has since became matured. 

What you most likely read from here onwards are about life, motherhood, choices and a certain kind of something. Now I'd like to write about friendship.

For me, in life you will get to meet 2 kinds of friends. The real ones and the fake ones, I do not mean fake like plastic or whatsoever (duh). 

Let me explain the real friends first.

One of the things that I am proud of are my real friends. They are the ones who stick with you through thick and thin. They are the ones who have proven that sometimes, water is thicker than blood. I don't believe that one should have a hundred of friends. I'd rather have a handful of real friends.

For me, a real friend:
  • Is there when you are down
  • Is there when you are happy
  • Will wipe your tears when you cry
  • Does not mind when your silent
  • Won't judge your decisions
  • Will listen to you mumble
  • Laugh at your craziest jokes
  • Lends a hand
  • Helps out without expecting in return
  • Understand your texts even when it misses a letter or its jumbled
  • Most importantly, they are just there not for any reason but because they just want to.

A good friend once told me that friendship does not require you meeting and texting everyday. You might not see each other for months, nor text each other everyday but you know in your being they are there. Friendship is not about the presence, it is about the heart.

Now thinking about it, I can say I have a handful of true friends. From elementary to high school, to those I met in Medicus, to those I went with in college and now here in Callbox. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you.

Now let us go to the best part, the fake ones. I have the fortunate chance of meeting this kind of friends. They are the ones who are nice in front of you but talks shit behind your back. Now, I say fortunate because now I can avoid this kind of person. They are not the kind that one should waste time on. 

It is a challenge to distinguish these kinds of friends since they can be so nice. Sometimes an accident is what you need in order to know who are real and who are fake. I am not an expert so I wouldn't really know how to point them out. What happen to me is not really a bad thing. For one, it has helped me appreciate my real friends more. It taught me a lesson that sometimes being nice to you does not mean they are really good. 

It is good that we get to meet these kind of people so that we can learn. The lesson is to choose your friends well, really well.

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