Monday, January 19, 2015

Fed Up

It really pisses me off when someone asks you for something and then put it to waste. For example, you are asked to fill out so many reports and they don't really use it for analysis. Hay, I have been with Callbox for the last 7 years and I think I'm getting fed up. I am tired. It is so hard to give your 100% when you do not believe in what you are doing.

The success of the team can also be gauge by the person who manages them. The problem with managers is that they only follow production, reports and everything that is being ask of them. They do not listen and understand where and why things happen. They just MANAGE, they do not LEAD.

I have worked with several leaders and I can distinguish a manager and a leader. So far, who I'm working for is a manager. No more no less.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Welcome 2015!

#SAVE2015 was inspired by Bianca Gonzalez. I read on one of her tweets that every year she creates a theme and this year her theme is #BUILD2015. This is way better than a resolution where we tend to break anyways. Setting a theme is easier to achieve and there is no time pressure. I have a year to achieve it.

Why SAVE? Well, I spend a lot and savings is really not really one of my virtues. I am 32 but with no savings account. If I am single, that would be kinda acceptable but I have a son and a future to plan. He is turning 3 and will be going to school this year. The best treasure that I can leave him is a good education. I don't want to wait 'til he's old before I start saving. So, where do I start?

I came across this article from Yahoo, "Save over P13,000 with this 52-week money challenge". I know that 13K is not enough that big but come on it's a start especially for someone like me.

"The reverse 52-week money challenge is a variation on the popular “52-week money challenge,” where people save increasing amounts throughout the year. They start by saving $1 in the first week of the year, $2 the next, $3 after that, and so on, until they save $52 in the last week of the year and end up with $1,378 total. (Of course, we’re in the Philippines, so we’re changing that to P10 in the first week, P20 the second, until you’re saving P520 in the last week, for a total of P13,780 after 52 weeks.) "

So instead of doing it weekly, I will do it monthly. So for January I need to deposit 520 on my account before the end of the month. Then starting Feb, every first week of the month. My target is 20K. This is quite achievable. I think I can be able to do this. Will keep you updated.

What about you? Will you try this challenge with me? What is your theme for this year?

Good luck,


P.S. I said on my last post that I will share an update on the birthday party of my niece. Most of my ideas were not implemented so I am kind of pissed off and don't feel like sharing it. But, overall it was an amazing party. Luckily, the rain only came after the program, thank God. I can say the party was a success.