Monday, March 23, 2015

On being a Mom

Let me tell you on how I became a mother. No I didn't get pregnant. I was given an angel by a family friend.
She was pregnant of her 5th child that time and I jokingly told her that if its a boy, she will give it to me. All the while I thinking that the baby in her womb was a girl then Surprise! it wasn't. I was caught off guard when she asked me one morning if I was sure of taking the baby.Was I?

Having a baby requires plenty of adjustments. You need to give up a couple of things such as time, money and attention. You are no longer just responsible for yourself. Was I willing to give this? Yes.

When Kalen came I was hesitant. Am I ready for this responsibility? Nothing can really prepare you for motherhood. You may read it in books, watch documentaries but you forget it all after you have held the baby. It took a lot of adjustment on our part but the journey has been great.

Kalen grew up well, he is turng 3 in May. I am thankful that he is a healthy baby. I am very blessed in so many ways. These days, he is just so hard headed and kulit that sometimes it just test your patience. But then that is just part of being a mom and appreciate all mothers out there. Motherhood is not defined by blood but by the relationship you have with your child.

Since Mother's day is just a month away, I would like to greet all moms out there. Let us give ourselves a pat on the back. To Mama, salamat. I may have not grown up with you but it does not lessen the love I have.

Are you a mom too? How has the journey been?